For the young

Supporting Young Refugees

Aimed at supporting and encouraging unaccompanied minor and ex-minor asylum seekers through the process of integrating into life in Geneva, our ‘Supporting Young Refugees’, programme began in 2014. Through many different projects, we have developed a holistic approach to supporting young refugees.

Through this programme, we support refugees’ personal development and encourage taking initiative in planning for the future and employment.

Our goal is not to duplicate the support available to young refugees but rather to complement and enhance existing structures and schemes through providing cultural mediation. We seek to help build stronger connections between the migrant community and the host society here in Geneva.


School Support

Our school support project is optimised to meet young refugees’ needs as best as possible. This project is particularly focussed around French language acquisition and mathematics.

Click here for more information.


We promote better health outcomes by organising discussion and information sessions related to health and well-being. These sessions are led by a cultural mediator and psychologist from AMIC, as well as an external healthcare professional. 

Leisure and Culture

We provide weekly sports activities as well as cultural trips, through which refugees can discover Geneva in welcoming atmosphere. We also offer outings and sports activities during school holidays, organised in partnership with other organisations such as; local youth groups, museums, art centres and many more!

Click here for more information

Mentoring, ‘A seat at the Table’

Clic here for more information

Employment Finding Support

Our goal is to supplement existing public sector programs by developing a project of personalised help and the opportunity of an internship to further help young refugees gain access to the workplace. Through the internships, we hope that the young refugees will gain valuable new skills, begin to develop a network and further practise their French. The internships offer a chance for the refugees to gain contacts and a letter of recommendation. This opportunity represents a valuable step towards seeking an apprenticeship or employment for the young refugees. In the past these internships have included opportunities at a variety of firms, ranging from small family-run businesses to large multinational corporations and banks.

Clic here for more information

IT Classes – Hand UP: In parallel with our RISE project, we also provide IT classes in collaboration with Hewlett Packard and IT-Step Academy. In these classes, we cover the basics (Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint etc.) as well as teaching more advanced knowledge and skills such as coding and digital marketing. This project was created in collaboration with Hewlett-Packard, IT-Step Academy, and The American International Women’s Club.

  • AMIC's role as intercultural mediator

    All these projects are pioneered and organised by our team of cultural mediators at AMIC. Their roles consist of:

    • Providing socio-educational support to young people by counselling, listening and giving guidance and reassurance.
    • Acting as intercultural mediators between the young people and Swiss public institutions in Geneva, as well as the professionals who are involved in welcoming these young people.
    • Carefully selecting and following-up with the volunteers who run workshops.
    • Organising, administering and planning all activities offered by AMIC, as well as managing collaborations with other organisations.
    • Communicate and cooperate with other actors to ensure that young unaccompanied minors are receiving a collective and holistic approach to their integration.


  • Our partners

    In order to ensure the implementation of these projects, we collaborate with other associations, institutions and local companies, such as: 

    • Le Service Social International Suisse (SSI)
    • L’Hospice Général
    • Le Service des Protections des mineurs
    • Friends International Suisse
    • Hewlett Packard
    • IT Step Academy


  • To become a volunteer

    Are you interested in getting involved in our mission? Please, contact us

  • Contact us

    Do not hesitate to contact us for any information on one of our projects or for any questions on donations: or through this form.

Les événements AMIC

Lectures Alternatives

L’Association des Médiatrices Interculturelles, AMIC, a le plaisir de vous inviter à l’événement final de notre projet “Lectures Alternatives”. L’événement aura lieu le 15 juin au Musée de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge à Genève à 14h. Ci-joint, vous trouverez l’invitation avec toutes les informations. Nous vous prions de confirmer votre présence auprès de Annabel […]

Théâtre : Quand les copines s’en mêlent

🎭 AMIC vous invite à découvrir “Quand les copines s’en mêlent”, une création collective de l’atelier-théâtre Femmes d’ailleurs et d’ici, les 2, 3 et 4 mai 2024 à 20h ! Plongez dans l’univers des femmes cherchant à concilier leurs cultures d’origine avec leur vie actuelle et des maris coincés dans le patriarcat. Un spectacle sur […]

La Reine de Saba

Dans le cadre du projet Résidences croisées nous avons eu le plaisir de collaborer avec Jean-luc Veuthey aka Fred LASER en organisant leurs rencontres avec Misgana Girmae “C’est vrai qu’elle a tout d’une reine” C’est pour l’association une grande joie de partager leur magnifique performance artistique. Nous vous invitons à la découvrir ce soir […]

Journée internationale de la tolérance zéro à l’égard des mutilations génitales féminines 2021

A cette occasion nous recevrons du 10 au 12 Février dans le local de l’AMIC , et par petits groupes, des femmes étant touchées directement ou indirectement pour échanger sur le sujet. Un court métrage sera également diffusé pour alimenter les discussions. Depuis sa création l’AMIC s’engage en informant et en sensibilisant sur les mutilations […]

Journée mondiale contre les mutilations génitales féminines 2020

L’AMIC co-organise une journée d’information avec les HUG