Supporting Young Refugees

Through this programme, we support refugees’ personal development and encourage taking initiative in planning for the future and employment. 

School Support

Our school support project is optimised to meet young refugees’ needs as best as possible during their scholarly. This school support  is a space of solidarity, formation, and collaboration. The regularity of this activity helps them to be organized in their studies. 


L’AMIC oriente, inscrit et encourage les jeunes à participer à des activités sportives ponctuelles ou hebdomadaires (club de football, cours de natation, course à pied)

Activities during the Holidays

Since summer 2016, we have offered educational and social activities for refugees during school holidays.

Leisure and Culture

We provide weekly sports activities as well as cultural trips, through which refugees can discover Geneva in welcoming atmosphere. We also offer outings and sports activities during school holidays, organised in partnership with other organisations such as; local youth groups, museums, art centres and many more!

  • School Support

    Mondays and Tuesdays, 18h-20h, 12 Rue Louis Favre, 1201 Geneva


  • Sport

    Fridays, 18h-22h, Collège de Saussure